Legal disclaimer


All logos and trademarks present on the site of Le Masciare ( are the property of the respective licensees. The texts, articles, photographs and documentation in electronic format on this site, except as otherwise expressly indicated, are the exclusive property of soc. agr. Le Masciare srl and are considered “information for the public” and cannot be distributed and / or copied without permission and express written authorization. Any third-party content owned will bear the indication of its source or an appropriate citation will be present to guarantee the attribution of the rights to the legitimate owners or authors.


The links listed on this site that allow you to leave the site are not under the control of le Masciare which is therefore not responsible for the relative content or any other links contained in them or for any changes or updates to these sites.

Le Masciare is not responsible for any publications on the web or any other form of transmission received from other linked sites: the links in question are provided only for practical reasons and the inclusion of the aforementioned links does not imply approval of the corresponding sites nor constitute opinion shared by le Masciare.

Le Masciare is not liable for any damages and / or losses and / or malfunctions and / or prejudices of any kind that may result to the User’s electronic computer from using the service provided by the same, nor for any contamination of the IT system deriving from the access, from interconnection, from the downloading of material and computer programs from the site; the related repair / restoration costs remain the User’s responsibility.


Le Masciare assumes no responsibility for any problems arising from the use of this site or any external sites linked to it. This exclusion of liability clause is not intended to limit the responsibility of le Masciare in violation of the provisions of the applicable national law, nor to exclude it in cases where it cannot be excluded by law.


Le Masciare guarantees that the processing of data, which should be sent by e-mail or electronic registration forms, complies with the provisions of current privacy legislation.

If you choose to follow links that appear on our site to visit other websites, we suggest you read the privacy policies that appear on those sites to ensure the privacy of your personal data.


Le Masciare reserves the unilateral right to modify, suspend or interrupt the website and the services offered for it, as well as the modification, suspension or interruption of the account and the communication tools connected to it by the individual User.

“Company X provides the insert URL here website as a service to the public. Company X is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this website.

While the information contained within this website is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

Although the Company X website may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, including websites, Company X is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites.

Links from Company X to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by Company X of the parties or their products and services. The appearance on this website of advertisements and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by Company X, and Company X has not investigated the claims made by any advertiser. Product information is based solely on material received from suppliers.”

Contact us

Contact Us - ENG
Le Masciare, Azienda agricola


Contrada Barbassano - 83052
Paternopoli (AV) - Italia


Tel. +39 320 8418815